Advisory Group
Alexandra Délano Alonso is Associate Professor and Chair of Global Studies at The New School and the current holder of the Eugene M. Lang Professorship for Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring. She received her doctorate in International Relations from the University of Oxford. Her research focuses on diaspora policies, the transnational relationships between states and migrants, migration in the Central America-Mexico-US corridor, sanctuary, and the politics of memory in relation to borders, violence and migration. Her work is driven by a concern with the inequalities underlying forced migration, the structures that lead to the marginalization of undocumented migrants in the public sphere, and the practices of resistance and solidarity focused on migrants' access to rights, from a transnational perspective. She is co-founder and former co-director of the Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility with Miriam Ticktin, as well as a member of The New School's Sanctuary Working Group and faculty advisor to La Xente student organization. Professor Délano Alonso's current research focuses on transformative practices of solidarity across the Central America-Mexico-US migration corridor. Born and raised in Mexico, her experience living across borders and her mixed origins as the granddaughter of immigrants have deeply shaped her research, teaching, mentoring, university service and activism.

Lizbeth Gramajo Bauer.
Advisory Group
Lizbeth Gramajo Bauer is a Guatemalan anthropologist and political scientist and specialist in International Migration Studies for El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico). She is currently conducting research on human mobility and migratory dynamics at the Institute for Research and Projection on Global and Territorial Dynamics based at Rafael Landívar University in Guatemala City. The study focuses on the contexts of origin and return of Guatemalan international migrants

Warren Binford
Advisory Group
Warren Binford is an internationally recognized children’s rights scholar and advocate who has published over 60 academic articles, essays, book chapters, and op-eds and provided expertise and support to the UK’s Independent Inquiry on Child Sex Abuse, Save the Children, the International Red Cross, the International Criminal Court, the Japan Red Cross, the Croatia Red Cross, the Dutch National Rapporteur on Human Trafficking and Sexual Violence against Children, and the International Law Association, among others.
Professor Binford was selected as the inaugural Fulbright Canada-Palix Foundation Distinguished Visiting Chair in Brain Science and Child and Family Health and Wellness at the University of Calgary where she researched the multidisciplinary effects of trauma on children in 2015. She is a tenured Professor of Law and Director of the Clinical Law Program at Willamette University where she founded the Child and Family Advocacy Clinic to provide pro bono legal advice and support to children and families in crisis. She recently accepted appointment as the W.H. Lea for Justice Endowed Chair for Pediatric Law, Ethics, and Policy and Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado Anschutz School of Medicine. Professor Binford has participated in numerous site visits to border facilities where thousands of children in migration have been kept by the U.S. government. She chairs the International Law Association’s Study Group on Children in Migration.

David Scott FitzGerald
Advisory Group
David Scott FitzGerald is Theodore E. Gildred Chair in U.S.-Mexican Relations, Professor of Sociology, and Co-Director of the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at the University of California San Diego. His research analyzes policies regulating migration and refugees in countries of origin, transit, and destination, as well as the experiences of people on the move. FitzGerald’s books include Refuge beyond Reach: How Rich Democracies Repel Asylum Seekers (Oxford University Press 2019), winner of the American Sociological Association (ASA) International Migration Section Best Book Award; and Culling the Masses: The Democratic Origins of Racist Immigration Policy in the Americas (Harvard University Press 2014), whose several awards include the ASA Distinguished Scholarly Book Award. His work on refugee issues includes “The Sociology of Refugee Migration” in the Annual Review of Sociology (2018). FitzGerald is currently co-authoring a book with Rawan Arar titled Refugees: A Sociological Systems Approach (under contract with Polity).

Anthony Fontes
Advisory Group
Anthony W. Fontes is Assistant Professor at the America University in Washington. A geographer and ethnographer, he writes and teaches about violence, migration and forced displacement, transnational illicit economies, mass incarceration, and the politics of security in the Americas. His first book, Mortal Doubt: Transnational Gangs and Social Order in Guatemala City (UC Press 2018), winner of the 2018 William LeoGrande Award, explores cycles of violence and migration in the making of extreme peacetime insecurity in Central America’s Northern Triangle. His current book project, “The Walls Close In: Borders, Prisons, and the American Dream”, delves into the global rise of revanchist anti-immigrant politics through the lens of the “Central American Migration Crisis” that began in 2014. Combining multi-sited transnational ethnography and discourse analysis, this project explores how the infrastructures and politics of immigration and imprisonment entwine in the 21st century. Dr. Fontes is also engaged in several collaborative projects, including 1) an investigation of the evolution of the sanctuary movement in the Washington DC metropolitan area and 2) comparative research and analysis of transnational drug-trafficking networks in Central Asia and Central America. Before entering academia, he worked as an immigrant and refugee legal advocate in Cairo, Egypt and the United States, an environmental justice researcher in India, and an actor in South America.

Eleonore Kofman
Advisory Group
Eleonore Kofman is Professor of Gender, Migration and Citizenship and co-Director of the Social Policy Research Centre, Middlesex University London. She has written extensively on theoretical and policy aspects of family migration for the IMISCOE Interactive Guide to Migration Studies, IOM Essentials of Migration Management and UN Women Progress of the World’s Women 2019-2020: Families in a Changing World. She is the Co-Director of the Migration and Displacement Stream of the UKRI GCRF Hub Gender, Justice and Security (2019-2024)

Amy North
Advisory Group
Amy North is Associate Professor at the UCL Institute of Education. She works in the field of education and international development, with a particular focus on gender and other inequalities. She has a specialist interest in adult literacy and the experiences of adult learners, and in understanding the relationship between education and migration, and the ways in which ideas, as well as people, move and are translated between spaces in the context of global mobility. She has worked on a wide range of research projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, the UK, and Latin America and has a long-standing interest in and connection to Central America. She was based in Guatemala from 2002-2004 working on women and girls’ empowerment, and was a co-director of the Central America Women’s Network (CAWN) in London from 2006-2018.

Rupert Skilbeck
Advisory Group
Rupert Skilbeck is the Director of REDRESS, an international human rights organisation based in London and The Hague that supports victims of torture to bring legal cases to obtain justice and reparation. REDRESS collaborates with national partners in many different countries, and has represented hundreds of survivors all over the world. Previously Rupert was the Litigation Director at the Open Society Justice Initiative, where he oversaw their global human rights litigation. In 2006 he was appointed by the United Nations as the Principal Defender for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. He was also the director of Odsjek Krivicne Odbrane, the criminal defence section of the State Court in Sarajevo, and the defence advisor at the Special Court for Sierra Leone. From 1995 to 2004 he practiced as a barrister in London.

Tricia Young
Advisory Group
Tricia Young took up the position of CEO at Terre des Hommes (UK) in July 2018. She was previously director of the charity Child to Child, a post she held for eight years. Her work promoting and upholding children's rights gives her a wealth of experience to add to Terre des hommes’ work protecting children at risk, improving their access to healthcare, and providing emergency aid to children who need it most.