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Escalera al cielo, albergues temporales

About the project

Life Facing Deportation is a one-year pilot inter-disciplinary research project co-designed by scholars in the UK, Guatemala, Mexico, the USA and Australia. It marks an innovative turn in the comparative study of forced displacement and the transnational impact of separation and detention on families in the Global South. It brings together scholars and practitioners from the fields of migration studies, law, health, education, ethics, development studies, anthropology, geography and sociology.  The project has an expressly humanitarian dimension, adopting a rights-based and participatory approach to explore how asylum-seekers and returned migrants navigate and mitigate deficiencies in the asylum system and its inherent risks.  This work lays the foundation for a more expansive programme of related research across the region and beyond.

'Escalera al cielo' Image by Martha Victoria Ríos Infante

Claroscuros de la Bestia, Tenosique.jpg

Strategic Aims

The project is framed by the Global Compact for Migration and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which form part of the UK’s Aid Strategy. The most relevant SDGs regard the promotion of healthy lives and wellbeing for all (SDG 3); inclusive, equitable and quality education for all (SDG4); gender equality (SDG 5); the facilitation of safe migration (SDG 10); and the development of peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels (SDG 16).

'Claroscuros de la bestia' Image by Martha Victoria Ríos Infante

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